A Trip of a special kind: my Date with Stromboli
Gdeep groove chirping, the sun is shining. The meter-high reeds on the side of the black ash way rustles in the Wind. Isolated Fig trees whose last tires are sweeten fruits of this rise of a special kind. Together with the gorse bushes, it provide shade against the heat of the Afternoon. The local mountain guide, Antonio, asks with the help of his radio to his colleagues at the end of the in a row here hikers go, whether everything was in order. Each of the guides leading a group of twenty people, the car slowly at a walking pace on the volcano of Stromboli. For around 28 Euro a memorable experience for all the senses. It is also exclusive, but then a group paid between 400 and 450 €, depending on the negotiating skills in one of the mountain guides offices in the town.
The left and right of the narrow Trampelpfads from volcanic ash of the views of black, grey and deep red stones falls. Have you been from the top down or thrown out and rolled? The routes change with time, depending on the mood of the volcano. The best of the visitors are informed in advance. The guide and volcano expert Florian Becker is happy to give tips and updated the paths online.
These things belong to the equipment of a volcano-ascent:
- Sufficient food and water
- Good registered walking shoes
- Sun cream
- Sun hat
- Windproof Jacket
- Camera (charged!)
- Headlamp for the descent
Further to the above, nothing grows. It's more about the trail in a zig-zag course. Trekking poles clacking, the air is with each Meter, radiator. No time for a breather, a quick glance falls down to the picturesque harbour of Stromboli, with its two churches and the pre-loaded mini island Stromboliccio.
Only a few of the walkers, talking on the track, which takes around 3 hours up. Your thoughts about what awaits you at the top. Each of them has to be obtained from the mountain leader, a helmet for protection. You go on a volcano through the Interior of which hot Magma flows. The smell of rotten eggs, sulfur vapors, to take on the last meters. Then it's done.
Volcano spectacle on the crater rim
Americans, Swiss, Italians and Germans are on one of the most explosive and the most active volcano in the world: The Stromboli. The helmets are attracted to sweaty upper switch parts. Here is the top of a fresh Wind and any rain jacket is blowing, any long pants gives warmth. Slowly, the group behind the leaders a little further forward, the view changes by the minute.
A mixture of clouds and volcanic Fumes stripes on the black soil of the Kraterrands between the legs of the comers round. The sulfur stings the throat and irritating cough. The mist for a split second, to be huts for the protection set on their earthquake-proof sockets visible. But also enter into the heads of the ascenders only, in theory, a safe feeling, because a few hundred meters down the slope, fresh, red-hot Lava coming to the surface. Except for a continuous hissing and the sound of the wind is nothing to listen to. The sunset on the horizon, throwing orange and yellow light in the evening sky.
All of a sudden a ears is deafening Snarl twitch the body. For seconds, it clears the haze and the volcano shoots at one of the plurality of outlets of gases and hot Lava hundreds of meters high in the air. All gaze fixed on the spectacle in front of them, a few hundred meters below on the "Sciara del Fuoco" (fire slide). The hot Material splashes glowing on the deep black surface to it minutes later, cold. About white smoke to form clouds and block again, at times the visibility. The faces of the blue and white helmets bearing the adventurers speak volumes: dreams come true, wedding proposals in favour of Stromboli for more than a spine-tingling experience. The whole spectacle lasts for seconds before again the volcano calmed down again. Unpredictable, he repeated his rebellion every few minutes and keeps the onlookers in his spell. Again and again, frightened by the loud roar of the Onlookers. Inconceivable that just a few years ago, the stay here was above was allowed.
Sometimes the volcano smoke makes signs for the visitors
Antonio, the fascinated visitor is about to come to close to the edge. For him, it is keep the day job all in the eye. Suddenly a small woman gets with a white helmet and a blue rain jacket a bit and shows down the slope. The heads around shoot. As the whistle of a giant thrust, sails a Ring of smoke a few meters above the ground up. The Typical Trademark Of The Island Of Stromboli. The stable Structure with its 2-3 meters in diameters, merges diagonally across her with the clouds over the crater rim like a Fata Morgana , and leaves behind a traffic jam at the end of eyes of the observer:
As the dress is gorge and the Cool of the Evening in the legs, creeps in, gets the natural leader for the descent on the back side of the crater. Headlamps on the helmets fitted and switched on. A last look at the red chimney glowing Volcano, then the caterpillar is made up of people caterpillar, with its yellow and white lights in motion. Only a few speak, in the sky, the stars twinkle. What feels like a rain of fine ash dust is of volcanic low trickle. In the distance, on the horizon one can see the lights of the Italian mainland – even the lighthouse of Messina. An hour later, the group emerges into the warm air between the houses of Stromboli. The Hissing of the volcano continues as a recurring Ignition of the flame of a hot air balloon.
In case of an outbreak, it is race – as high as it goes.
"He is not good, he is evil. He is!“ - said in the Film of the volcano Observatory on the last big eruption of the volcano in December 2002. Although she has seen the recordings many times already, is fascinated by the staff, Isabella, again and again. She sits glued to the screen in the extra for visitors furnished seminar room. During the outbreak of a huge land mass of the "fire-slipped slide" into the sea and caused a Tsunami of ten meters in height. The shaft reached a few minutes later, the 55 kilometres away and Sicily and the mainland, the shank of the Italian boot, where they fortunately already had lost.
The port road of the island of Stromboli was drawn back to the water of the flooded shaft. People could save themselves in the higher angle of the place. A dark gray ash cloud was up to two kilometers above the volcano summit and darkened for a day in the sun. Both the four-hundred-power bolian as well as the present tourist could be alerted in good time. Since this incident is the evacuation of people at risk of practiced. Early on children learn, such as in the case of a tsunami or an Eruption behavior. In many Places, the narrow alleys and streets in the town of green signs showing escape routes are.
Even the Locals have a great respect
The fisherman Guiseppe lives since early Childhood on Stromboli, and is usually found at the small port. "I was two once at the top," he says, "I respect him and leave him alone. Then he leaves me in peace.“ So thinks the majority of the 30 residents of the village of Ginostra on the South-West side of the island.