In November I received one of these requests, I was looking forward huge. The film production company of the successful travel series “Crazy for the sea”, the ARD broadcasting since 2009, asked me...

Seychelles – für "Rückt to the sea“ in front of the camera (ARD)

Im November I have one of these requests received over the I huge happy. The film production company of the successful travel series “Crazy for the sea”, the ARD broadcasting since 2009, asked me if I would like to show in a follow-up to “my” island. You now produce the 8. Season and this, among other things, on the Seychelles.

After a few E-Mails with the “Bewegte Zeiten filmproduction” is my concept and, later on, the participants. For I shall not of course stand alone in front of the camera. The protagonists are seven boys in the Acapella Band “Viva Voce”, with which I am to this day are on the road next to me. Seven guys and I can be funny, I thought to myself. “They are all very funny – this is really good!” he assured me, the editor, and so it was at the end.

In September 2016 I was in a small supporting role in the documentary “Beautiful! Dream destination Seychelles” for the WDR in front of the camera, now I'm supposed to be one of the main actors on the Islands.

In front of the camera in “Crazy for the sea”

And so it was then: Not even 1.5 months after the first E-Mail I'm standing on 8. January in front of the camera. The initial excitement is immediately gone, as I greeted the boys in the Band, the camera man, the Tonassistent and the author of the port. We had our fun. And so it immediately felt as if I was out with some friends, where I show my island on my turquoise beach cruiser. Just with one difference: you to film us having to repeat a scene from a different perspective, or spontaneous individual interviews in front of the camera.

In total we had five hours of time and who was on La Digue, the white that of course is much too little. Thousands of ideas I had in mind, but in the end, I opted for the most relaxing option. According to the Motto “island style”, because that's the way you do on La Digue – Stress for the guys already at home in Germany and, above all, as a member of a very well-known Acapella Band, which has more than 200 performances per year.

Too much I don't want to tell you of the shipment still, a bit of anticipation is finally. Only so much: I've shown you the some other La Digue, away from the typical Hotspots, and anyway everyone already knows. Also the weather was not so, as it is the most to expect from the Seychelles and as the glossy magazines fool on their “Always-blue sky“photos and cloud retouch often even way. After all, it was dry and for the Bicycle to drive and Rotate so much more pleasant.

On the way I've planned little Surprises for the boys.

Among other things, we met Robert, who has brought us only each a coconut from a palm tree, but also a small palm-climbing course has given. Today, he is actually one of the few that can. The younger Generation also sits on the Seychelles rather be in front of the TV or playing on the iPad instead of in the forest and so you learn things like this at all.

It was a great and exciting day and a great experience for me. It has so much fun in front of the camera and I'd love to shot with you for days on the Seychelles. This 8. The relay is by the way probably in the autumn of 2018 in the ARD to. I'll give you advance notice!

Here are a few impressions of the day...


About the shipment
“Crazy for the sea” is a successful travel series of the ARD. The first aired in 2009 and is currently the 7 runs. Season with around 50 episodes. The 8. Season is from several destinations in the Indian ocean, including the Seychelles and the Maldives. The film production company, “Moving times” turns into several small Teams and accompanied the Crew, interesting people, special trips, or just passengers, in order to make the viewer feel like this travel destination. The situations in front of the camera are never provided, and thereby for the audience, especially personal and authentic.

More Info

  • The website of the “Crazy for the sea”
  • Bewegte Zeiten Film Production
  • The Acapella Band “Viva Voce”

On the Seychelles travel

  • Seychelles tips: All values & tips to know for travel planning
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